Peace of Mind: Reasons to Hire a Property Management Company

Being a property owner comes with a lot of responsibility. Property owners must constantly monitor and maintain their property, deal with tenant issues, and keep up with the ever-changing laws and regulations governing landlords. This can be a full-time job in itself! However, property management companies offer property owners peace of mind by taking on […]

A Monthly Home Maintenance Guide: For Tenants and Property Owners

How to Keep a Home in Tip-Top Shape All Year Long You know there is always something that needs to be done to keep your place in tip-top condition. From big projects like repainting the exterior or fixing the roof, to smaller tasks like changing air filters or cleaning out gutters, home maintenance is a […]

Rental Property Renovations and Updates to Help Increase Your ROI

Rental Property Renovations and Updates to Help Increase Your ROI

Rental properties are an excellent investment to add to your portfolio, but to help increase your return on investment, you may need to do a little updating. Here are a few ways to help maximize your ROI on your rental property/properties. ROI Increasing Updates and Renovations Kitchen The kitchen is the heart of the home, […]